PS3 Review: The Witch and the Hundred Knight

That is definitely no way to talk to a lady!

That is definitely no way to talk to a lady!

By: Uma Smith

Typically, when you think of witches, you may picture an old and wretched hag. However, if you have been spending time playing PlayStation 3 titles by NIS America, then perhaps a cute and busty anime character comes to mind. Having a hard time grasping this? Then have a look at their latest title, The Witch and the Hundred Knight!

CONTROLS (3.5/5)

Although this title can be picked up and played without much trouble, that shouldn’t give NIS America an excuse to withhold tutorials or hints. Without them, The Witch and the Hundred Knight can be cumbersome to figure out right off the bat. And if you have been taking some breaks between play sessions, the amount of time it takes to figure out the controls through trial and error can be a major source of frustration. As such, it will take some patience and perseverance to become acquainted with its controls.


In terms of the visuals, The Witch and the Hundred Knight delivers mixed results. While the characters themselves are designed with a decent amount of detail, the quality quickly diminishes as you zoom in with the camera. Additionally, the environments would have looked stellar if it weren’t for the limited color scheme. To make matters worse, the game tends to lag in frame rate when there’s too much taking place on screen, which can be frequent.

Thankfully, the music is energetic enough to entice players to journey further in the game while the amusing audio effects and voice acting keep the impression lively and interesting.


In The Witch and the Hundred Knight, you assume control of a blob named the Hundred Knight, who is under the control of an ill-mannered witch named Metallia. The game revolves around the pair making efforts in expanding the swamp that the witch rules by deactivating the pillars located around the world. Considering how thin the plot is, it is surprising how long the cut scenes can be. Throw these in during the middle of the gameplay and you’ll get even more irritated.

As an action RPG, The Witch and the Hundred Knight plays out pretty well for the most part. The hack n’ slash ordeals works out similarly to what you’d expect from Diablo. Here, however, your character has the ability to hold five weapon types simultaneously and each can be accessible while executing a combo.

Since there are three different attributes for each type, the combat turns out to be a rock-paper-scissors system as you take on enemies. However, there are also other types of attacks and combat systems available, thereby making this game very diverse and engaging. The detriment lies with the fact that players need to dedicate a lot of time to fully understanding these systems. Therefore, The Witch and the Hundred Knight may lose players’ attention spans too quickly because of this high learning curve.

Plenty of enemies are available to keep the fun level constant while at the same time prevent any huge spikes in difficulty. On the flip side, the confusing and horrible level design can hinder one’s enjoyment. To make matters worse, camera issues and objects blocking the gameplay view can lead to unfair advantages for the enemy during battles.

A feature in The Witch and the Hundred Knight than can leave a mixed impression is the GigaCount. Starting from 100, this GigaCountdecreases for every action that the Hundred Knight takes. While this means players will need to strategize accordingly and carefully, it can also be a source of frustration, especially for those who just wants to perform constant action only to be greeted with loading screens each time the GigaCount reaches zero.


The Witch and the Hundred Knight has a lot of promise… along with a lot of potential downfalls. With this being at least a decent PlayStation 3 game, you’ll get a satisfying experience if you have the drive and tolerance to push on despite the setbacks you’ll encounter.

About Herija Green

Avid gamer, adventurous lover and all-around damned handsome man...
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