PSN/XBLA Review: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s Decade Duels Plus

Yowsers! What's with the hair?

Yowsers! What’s with the hair?

By: Uma Smith

What do you get if you take an anime like Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s, make a trading card game out of it and then translate that over to the world of video gaming? You get the latest Konami title released for both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade entitled Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s Decade Duels Plus. Will this approach be able to pique the interest levels of both fans and non-fans of the anime series?

CONTROLS (4.5/5)

There isn’t much to say in this respect since you’re essentially choosing your card with the d-pad and then making a decision with the appropriate face button. The layout is very simple and easy to get acquainted with. Thus, Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s Decade Duels Plus is definitely straightforward whether you are familiar with the card game or not.


With very little to offer in both the graphics and audio department, the game fails to deliver much of an impression. Whether it’s the cut scenes or the actual gameplay, the artwork and visual effects have been stripped down to the bare minimum. While it is not exactly an ugly looking game, you don’t have much here to maintain your attention span. On top of that, the audio effects don’t really help to keep things interesting. Although the music does vary at times, it doesn’t necessarily stand out.

GAMEPLAY (3.25/5)

To be able to play Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s Decade Duels Plus, you have to understand how the battle-based trading card rules work. Each player has a custom deck, and they will take turns getting cards and playing them onto the field. The object of the game is to bring your opponent’s life points down to zero using “monster” cards to attack and inflict damage. There are also “spells” and “traps,” which can be used to perform various tasks including eliminating an opponent’s card and retrieving a specific card from one’s own deck.

Luckily, the game welcomes you with a tutorial that shepherds you through the whole concept of the card mechanics. Then, once you’re ready, you’re off to compete in the tournament where you will earn a rank based on the number of matches won and points acquired through performing certain tasks. Afterwards, you will be awarded cards based on these points, which are given randomly — specifically, you get a card every time you earn 20 points.

Playing in the single-player mode can get tough given how much of a challenge your computer opponent can dish out. This becomes very frustrating especially since you can only get new cards within this mode. So good luck trying to get special or rare cards when you have opponents that will keep you from reaching this objective.

Where the actual fun lies is in the multiplayer mode. You can either duel off in basic or ranked matches depending on your comfort level to take on other players. Additionally, you have the option to engage in full text and voice chat. However, this could open doors for some name calling and rude behavior. Nonetheless, the game feels a bit more interactive and lively when you get to play online.


Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s Decade Duels Plus is available for 800 MS points (or $9.99) on both the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. Those of you who are fans of the trading card game may get a kick out of this considering the thousands of cards available for your battling needs. On the other hand, players who aren’t familiar with this type of game may not find it to their liking.

About Herija Green

Avid gamer, adventurous lover and all-around damned handsome man...
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